“Moldhunter 2018” Championship
“Moldhunter 2018” Championship



The  “Moldhunter 2018” Championship was held!  Let me express my gratitude to all the participants for attending our event!

35 dogs took participation in the competition: GShF - 2, ZHFS - 8, NOT - 25.

Romania - 10, Moldova - 12, Ukraine-13.

In two starts worked - 15 dogs, in one start - 11 dogs, did not work in two starts - 9 dogs.

1 place - Field Winner - NOTA Akbar, the owner Krasiluk Yuri;

2 nd place - NOTH Leshiy, the owner Sergey Starushchak;

3 place - NOT Beauty of Vojnovicu, the owner  Farauanu Dan (she was the best of dogs up to 2 years old)

The best dogs work  over 6 years is the GWF Van Poole, the owner Yatkevich Andrey.