Kennel "Moldhunter" were presented to the competition 4 dogs - Field Champion: Wendy, Dandy, Djasta Grafiti Grace, Moldhunter Gros.
At the competition were registered 77 dogs smooth-haired fox terrier, wirehaired fox terrier, welsh terrier, border terrier, from all regions of Ukraine.
Based on the results of two starts, our dogs showed the following results:
Dendy – 1st start- expelling the fox from the burrow in the 4th minute of work, but at the set time did not come out of the burrow - without a diploma; 2nd start - snap in place on the 4th minute, the result is a diploma of 1st degree 93 points.
Moldhunter Gros – 1st start did not pass the drop - without a diploma; 2nd start of a snap the shoulder in the 5th minute, the result is a diploma of 2nd degree 84 points.
Djassta Grefity Grace - 1 start -expelling the fox from the burrow at the 3rd minute of work, the result is a diploma of 1st degree 89 points; 2nd start -expelling the fox from the burrow in the 3rd minute of work, the result-diploma of 1 degree 89 points. Took 2nd place among the wirehaired fox terriers.
Wendy – 1st start - snap on the move for the cheek, the result is a diploma of 1 degree 92 points; 2nd start - snap up to 2 minutes in place (throat), the result is a diploma of 1st degree 95 points. Took 1st place among the wirehaired fox terriers.
I would also like to notice the stable work of a young male from Moldhunter, Ilay, who worked consistently in two tasks for 3rd degree diploma with high number of points 73 and 76.